
Challenge 1

The quick, brown fox jumps over a lazy dog.

Our solutions

How we can help you


Taking customers to the right solution.

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Voice is fast and natural. End the frustration of misrouted calls via an IVR. Voice recognition and AI do a way better job.

Up to 50% less redirection.

Speech recognition and AI ensure calls are routed correctly.

Up to 45 seconds savings per call.

Voicebot Routing supports the advisor by providing information that helps to answer the customer's question.

Voicebot for self-service

Incredible automation.

If the customer’s question is one for which the solution is an existing online self-service application the customer will receive a text with a link to this online self-service. The customer can then decide for themselves if they want to use the self-service or if they want to be connected to a live advisor. 

Up to 20% more self-service


Level up your customer service.

Aside from the standard reports Speech Routing will provide insight about the handling of the customer contact for each topic. Is this a repeat caller? Does the call get connected often? Is the routing working correctly? Which topics have a high AHT and a low NPS? After 3 clicks you can get output.

Take your customer contact
to the next level​

Take your
customer contact
to the next level​

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Our solutions in action


Curious to see our solutions in action? Fill in your details and we'll contact you to schedule a demo session.​

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