AI Routing

AI Routing

Transform your customer service with our cutting-edge Voicebot automation solution

Enhanced customer experience

Rely on the voice of the customer and end the frustration of the classic IVR.

Improved efficiency

Simplify your customer journey with speech technology and reduce redirection up to 50%.

Better resource management

Leverage the benefits of speech recognition and CTI to save an average of 45 seconds per call.

AI Routing

See how it works

Take 3 minutes to know everything about AI-Routing and how speech technology can contribute to a customer and advisor-friendly service.

Classify the question

Find the right service.

To determine call routing, our cutting-edge speech recognition technology enables customers to ask their question in natural language. With over 90% accuracy for efficient query classification, routing can be more precise than ever. This also provides opportunities to offer more self-service on specific queries.
Routing matrix

Up to 50% less redirection

Routing matrix
Natural Language Understanding

Embrace the most natural way to communicate and let your customer use their voice to ask their question. Our speech recognition and NLU got you covered.

Unlimited routing

Say goodbye to the limitations and frustrations of traditional IVR. AI Routing sets the stage for more effective call handling and increased self-service.

Routing to self-service

Automation by Voicebot.

Customers asking about a query with an existing online self-service application will be sent a text containing a link to it. They can opt for this self-service or choose to speak with an advisor.

Up to 20% more self-service


Routing to an advisor

Always well connected.

Calls are routed to an advisor not only based on skills but also on intent. The adviser is supported with all relevant information to handle the call quickly and properly, reducing the workload during and after the call.
Routing to advisor

Up to 45 sec savings per call

Routing to advisor
All relevant information

Contact history and customer information appear on the advisor's screen at the beginning of the call.

Question & intent

The recorded question and the classification results are displayed. This way the advisor can provide a more personalised answer.

Great support

Additional information on the topic or a suggested answer from a knowledge database can be displayed.

Less afterwork

The customer's question and intent are already stored, saving valuable time to spend on helping other customers.


Level up your customer service.

Gain valuable insights about the handling of customer contacts and refine your customer service strategy with AI-routing. Get information about repeat callers, call connections, AHT, NPS, and refine your routing to optimize operations and increase customer satisfaction. It delivers data and dashboard to faster adjust or create new routing scenarios.
Hot topics

Identify trends and news topics. Investigate data to find out how to optimize scenarios or build new self-service applications.

Insight example 1
Monitor routing

Are topics handled by the right advisor and change routing accordingly.

Improve advisors

Find out what topics your advisors can improve in and provide appropriate training.

Insight example 3

Take your customer contact to the next level​

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